When we graduated in 1984; Life lay before us, there was so much to do;
The world was ours to conquer and to explore, that summer evening when we left Courtland’s door.
There were jobs to be found, the military to serve & further education to be had; Followed by someday becoming proud Moms & Dads.
Some chose to travel many miles away; And for others, this was the perfect place to stay.
Some may have accomplished most things they had planned; While in other lives, not everything went as they had planned.
For some, there were many changes to be made; Including some adjustments along life’s way.
But no matter what, as we gather once more; I will always be proud to be in Courtland’s Class of ’84.
As we renew old acquaintances and reminisce about things we used to do; We will learn the Class of ’84 is sadly, short by a few…
Some classmates have departed this life along the way; And are absent from our Gathering here today.
Now as their names are read; We will remember things they once did or said. And their faces will become vivid once more; Though they haven’t come through the door…
So let us live our lives; Mindful of the things we say and do; For the next classmate missing may be me or you…