
If your e-mail is already on file with your reunion planning committee, you can request a password right now to start using the Directory. If you have photos of yourself, your kids, pets, travels, etc. upload them to your personal slideshow! We'd all like to see what you've been up to over the years!


Where Are We? |

Alumni in the U.S.
Alabama |
5 |
Alaska |
1 |
Arizona |
2 |
California |
11 |
Colorado |
2 |
Delaware |
2 |
District of Columbia |
1 |
Florida |
19 |
Georgia |
11 |
Hawaii |
1 |
Illinois |
4 |
Indiana |
2 |
Kansas |
1 |
Kentucky |
1 |
Louisiana |
1 |
Maryland |
26 |
Massachusetts |
1 |
Michigan |
4 |
Mississippi |
2 |
Missouri |
4 |
Nebraska |
1 |
New Jersey |
2 |
New Mexico |
1 |
New York |
3 |
North Carolina |
25 |
Ohio |
5 |
Oklahoma |
1 |
Oregon |
3 |
Pennsylvania |
4 |
South Carolina |
13 |
Tennessee |
6 |
Texas |
15 |
Utah |
1 |
Virginia |
505 |
Washington |
2 |
West Virginia |
3 |
Wisconsin |
3 |

Alumni Abroad:
Denmark |
1 |
Kazakhstan |
1 |
Korea, Republic of |
1 |
Netherlands |
1 |
Spain |
1 |
Switzerland |
1 |
United Kingdom |
1 |

Totals include confirmed and unconfirmed addresses as input by the reunion committee.

Alumni Directory

Participation in the Alumni Directory is available FREE OF CHARGE to all Alumni whose classes maintain a website here on CourtlandReunions.com. If you're ready to get started, CLICK HERE to sign in or to request a password. If your e-mail address is already on file with your Reunion Committee, then getting a new password or resetting your old password should take about a minute. We hope you enjoy the Directory and reconnecting with old friends as you get ready for your next reunion!
Scroll down to see the full list or click your class year to jump directly to your class.
1984 |

(Note: Alumni profiles will open in a new browser window.) |
You are not signed in. |

:: THE CLASS OF 1984 (320 classmates are listed in the database.) |

- 107 of us have added our profiles to the directory, so far.
- Combined, we have 229 children and 63 grandchildren.
- 12 of us served in the U.S. Armed Forces for a combined total of 143 years, including 1 still on active duty.
- 55 of us spent a combined total of 183 years earning
13 Associates,
40 Bachelors, 11 Masters
and 3
Doctorate degrees.
- Our most-traveled? One of us has visited 51 U.S. States or Territories, and another has visited 25 foreign countries.
- 3 of us have birthdays this month, and 5 of us have birthdays in March.
- Currently, 6 of us are retired.


:: THE CLASS OF 1985 (303 classmates are listed in the database.) |

- 108 of us have added our profiles to the directory, so far.
- Combined, we have 236 children and 37 grandchildren.
- 15 of us served in the U.S. Armed Forces for a combined total of 151 years.
- 67 of us spent a combined total of 239 years earning
19 Associates,
38 Bachelors, 18 Masters
and 2
Doctorate degrees.
- Our most-traveled? One of us has visited 47 U.S. States or Territories, and another has visited 60 foreign countries.
- 5 of us have birthdays this month, and 4 of us have birthdays in March.
- Currently, 7 of us are retired.

Note: Place your mouse over any of the icons to see what information they represent.